What I'm taking away from this is that there can be multiple point winners for each question, but can't a person just wait until others have posted the right answer, then post themselves?

No. There is a question feature of the chat. So everyone will have to answer the question through that. It is anonymous answering so everyone will have to include their stable number in their answer to know. But you cant see results until it is closed.
And if people cheat and we find out about it they will be kicked from the chat and possibly banned from participating in further trivia nights.


Hehe cant wait! May participate in answering questions and I may not but Ill for sure be watching how things go! xP Edited at August 4, 2019 07:59 PM by Viridian Meadows
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Administrator |
1 hour until we get the party started!
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Moderator |
I'm going to try my best to stay up, but I'm old and my son wakes me up every morning at five, so I tend to crash early.
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https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTPHOprvnzIJ9IE8efFUjImICb0Ay7lSRbvIAzdOk2B_C9wiBII5ejB84H9E_8HOwiaI0TLkDhRW4cv/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true And here is a link to the scoreboard!
You must have at least two points to show up on the leader board.
Edited at August 4, 2019 09:35 PM by Jericho Stables

A huge thank you to everyone who came to our first Trivia Night and making it a fun success!
And a congrats to the winners!
I entered the three winners of each round into a randomizer and came up with the winner of stable number 281762, Coke Acres as the winner of the custom set from Vendetta! Please make sure that you contact her about it!
Prizes will be sent out shortly!
Thanks again everyone! Edited at August 4, 2019 11:32 PM by Jericho Stables