Ugh she's so pretty ;-; Hope her training stays up too
-HEE Click-
Hot 2 Trot
02:34:30 Holly
Reyes Horse Ranch
02:28:02 Claudia
Thanks, I had that doubt because I thought I read something a while ago about it, so thank you very much. :)
Aurorae Sport Horses
02:25:00 Hawk// ASH <3
Horses in themgame,cant be deaf, so colors have no effect on them, other than lethal white
Reyes Horse Ranch
02:22:28 Claudia
Hi, I had this filly some weeks ago, and I have a doubt.
I just noticed that her ears are black, does that mean the filly won't be deaf?
-HEE Click-
Alright, thanks!
Honey Moon
02:02:00 Honey
You can only buy new barns
How do I buy more stalls for a pre-existing barn?
Valhalla Acreage
01:48:01 Eivor
She's a ppp expect a week 5 and not a week 4
Blackwater Stables
01:41:10 Sway
-HEE Click-

Okay can someone explain to me what not going up wk4, but having all up wk5 means? Is that good, mediocre, or bad?
*Rising Stars TBs*
01:33:40 Star / Sarah
SilverDawn, <3

It is very beautiful, peaceful. I like it.
*Rising Stars TBs*
01:27:02 Star / Sarah
Thoughts? It is my own memorial piece... He was put away yesterday, like my FWB mare Rosa T^T
MakeEm Fancy
01:02:18 Ally 💜
Yeah Im out also lol I need sleep before appointments tomorrow
Circle Star RIDs
01:01:44 Granny C
well, my dog is giving me the 'evil eye' I guess she wants me to go to bed.
Amethyst Ranch
01:01:17 Echo <3
Thank you Ally! <3 it means a lot!
MakeEm Fancy
01:00:22 Ally 💜
Very lucky!
Amethyst Ranch
01:00:15 Echo <3
Thank you Ari <3 I think I'm still in shock as it was super fast <3
MakeEm Fancy
12:59:47 Ally 💜
Congrats echo! The NICU is always a scary place 🥺 big hugs and if you need someone to talk to Im always here!
Circle Star RIDs
12:59:27 Granny C
Ally - you guys missed a bullet there. Dam lucky.
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Forums > Art Shops > Art Help

Pricing Help December 19, 2020 10:04 AM

Savannah Stables
Posts: 1441
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I know I'm in tier 3, but I was thinking of opening an art shop and I was wondering what a rough pricing estimate would be.
Examples (from most recent to oldest)

As you can see I tried out some different styles lol. Anyways, thoughts?
Pricing Help December 19, 2020 10:18 AM

Darkside Dreams
Posts: 1315
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You're off to a really great start in your arting career! My thoughts are start out cheap. It's going to feel like you're working too hard for making art, but as you're working and being paid even a little, you'll improve little by little until you can raise your prices.

When I first started my shop it was pay what you want- I somewhat recommend starting with this, but it backfired on me because sometimes I got paid maybe 1k for two hours of work. But doing pay what you want(what the customer thinks the art is worth) is one method.

The second is starting out low. There's quite a bit of competition in Tier 3, but with practice and perseverance you can start out at about 5k for a horse avatar, and work your way up as you gain skill.

My first shop opened about a year ago and since has been deleted, but I believe I had my prices set to 12k for a horse avi and it did sell. I'd say don't go over 15k yet, but as you improve with each step of the process, you can slowly inch your prices up, especially if demand grows for such a low price.

Hope this helps!

Also, what art program do you use? I could give some tips if you want some, depending on what you use.

Pricing Help December 19, 2020 10:19 AM

Savannah Stables
Posts: 1441
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Ok, thank you so much! I use sketchbook on my iPad but I hate it with a burning passion :)
Pricing Help December 19, 2020 10:23 AM

Darkside Dreams
Posts: 1315
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You're very welcome!
Oh god don't use sketchbook
I mean, I can't tell you to not but when I first started I hated it so much and just quit trying. I'm not sure if you've tried it before, but ibisPaint X is what I use, it's what Misha uses(and they're like, really good) and it works pretty well if you're looking to switch. It can be a pain in the ass, but it's served me well!
Pricing Help December 19, 2020 10:27 AM

Savannah Stables
Posts: 1441
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I'll definitely try it. I want anything but this demonic app at this point. It was ok at first but there's not even a blur thingy.
Pricing Help December 19, 2020 10:30 AM

Darkside Dreams
Posts: 1315
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Does it have a layer function? I couldn't even find that if I recall correctly.
If you do switch to ibis and like it, then I'd be more than willing to toss some tips your way! I'm far from a professional myself but I've learned a few tricks on there<3
Pricing Help December 19, 2020 10:32 AM

Savannah Stables
Posts: 1441
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It does have a layer function lol.
I downloaded ibis paint X, so I guess I'll see if it also kills me internally.
Pricing Help December 19, 2020 10:56 AM

Amhain Dull Liath
Posts: 9053
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Well first I'd like thank Sunshine for mentioning me LOL. Tis an honor.

Anyhoo. If you have any questions about the program or want any help, feel free to message me. I've been using ibis for a while and I think it's a great choice.

I think about 5k-10k to start off is good for now. Raise the price with demand.

Edited at December 19, 2020 11:03 AM by Amhain Dull Liath

Forums > Art Shops > Art Help


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