
Sage wandered around the town, since he didn't have specific places he had to be. He was still puzzling over why the girl didn't tell the cops about him, and he let out a heavy sigh and put his arms on the sides of the bridge he was on and looked out over the river under it, thinking.
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Lisa goes into her job and walk's right in front of her boss and he was mad instead of talking to Lisa he points to her deck and she when right away. Lisa sat down put her coffee away and started her job which was type,type,type then home or where ever
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Sage stared out at the water for a long time, thinking. When he looked up at the sky, he was surprised to see that he had been standing there most of the day. He sighed and turned, slowly walking back the way he came. He didn't have a specific place to go, he was just walking. Then he figured the bridge would be a nice place to sleep, since it was supposed to rain, and walked a big loop around town before coming back to the bridge and sitting underneath it
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Lisa got done what she had to do and gotten up pack things up and walks out side she didn't know it was supposed to train, and she wanted go to the park and walk's around while there she sat down on a bench and let out a heavy sigh then said to herself " this is not how I intended to live my life" looking around she smiles and the view that she had
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Sage saw the girl he had seen call 911 in the alleyway and perked up. He wasn't sure if she would even recognize him, but he stayed under the bridge. The sight of the girl brought back all the confusing thoughts he had been puzzling over that morning, and he groaned, leaning back against the side of the bridge. He decided to eat the apple he had stolen while wandering around while he sat there, since it was his days worth of food and he was really hungry.
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Lisa looks down at her phone reads a text message from her father it " dinner at 8 " she didn't want to go and have to talk to her father and his new wife, she puts her phone back in her pocket and gotten up walks towards the bridge but didn't go over it lisa just pads it and keeped on walking wondering what happen to that guy who got attack by another guy but she wanted to stay away from thinking
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He stayed quiet as the girl passed the bridge, since he was used to only negative interactions with other people. He wanted answers, but he also didn't want to talk to her in case she turned out to be some psycho murderer or something. He wasn't sure if he could handle a fight since food had been even more scarce than usual. He watched her walking and sighed slightly before staring at the water next to him. He leaned against the bridge wall and closed his eyes, knowing he needed a little bit of rest but not sure he would get it.
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Lisa headed towards town and back to her house she had to make something for supper for her dad and she didn't know what to make. Lisa when in to the grocery store and pick up hamburger and fries then when home to make them even through she hates having him over he would come any how and not give her space people walks by smiles and talking to each other and losa didn't have anyone to talk to just herself
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Sage rested for a few hours and jerked awake from a nightmare about two hours later. It had started to rain heavily, so he curled up under the bridge, trying not to get wet even though he was already pretty much soaked. He shivered and curled his knees up into his chest, wrapping his arms around them. He rocked back and forth in an effort to stay warm even though he knew it wouldn't really work since the freezing rain was still splashing him when the wind changed directions. He sighed and huddled into the corner, hoping the rain would end soon.
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Lisa got inside before it started but she looked outside and watches the rain she was happy her father wouldn't go out in the rain she headed towards the kitchen and she got a text message that ding on her phone she read it sayed " can't come is rainning"she laughs and said to herself " scared cat" she put on a hamburger and some fries and wait for them to stop cooking them when to watch a movie
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