
"Your dad? What's wrong with your dad? Besides that, why would you even say that to your "friends"? You know why I ran away? Because those boys used to like me. So it makes me even more mad that you didn't stand up for that." Dakota steps inside. "I love you Jacob, it's just you hurt me. I'm not talking to you until you tell them the truth. Bye." Dakota slammed the door shut. Then she yelled to herself. "Ridiculous! You've got to be kidding me!" It was so loud Athena heard it and turned away in anger towards Jacob, and even Flame...

Flame pined his ears at Jacob when he came to him,Jacob gallops off fast back to his home kicking himself in his head he would figure out how to win her again, Jacob put flame away then slams the door of his house and walks right to his bedroom
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Dakota decided to take a walk. She walked down the road. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When Dakota opened her eyes, she was right in front of Jacob's house. She just sighed and kept walking. She saw Flame in one of the pastures and walked up to him. "Sorry boy. Athena can be quit protective sometimes." Flame just stood there with his head down. Dakota turned to go back, but she noticed Jacob in his bedroom window. She just rolled her eyes and turned away.

Jacob was sitting on his bed with his hands over his head and sighed, Jacob gets up and grabs his car keys and drives towards the cow cutting he knew they would be practicing, once Jacob got there he gotten out and walks towards them and said " hey guys I got to tell you something about me and Dakota " they look up and nods there answers Jacob said " me and her are girlfriend and boyfriend "
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Dakota walked down the street. She saw Jacob pull out earlier and had no idea where he was going. She was still upset and so was Athena. She got home and fed Athena. Then she ate dinner and went to her room. She looked around in stress. On her wall was a picture of hera and her parents. She missed them. But most of all, she missed Jacob. The real Jacob.

Flame broken out of his pasture and gallops to Dakota farm when he got there he rears and neighs, Jacob looks at them and said " there I told a lied first time now I told the truth " the boys laughs and walks towards him they were a lot bigger in size then Jacob, flame rears again he knew what was going to happen it happen to Jacob before
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Dakota woke up and went outside. "What Athena?" She asked. "Wait, Flame? Oh, no. Jacob!" Dakota started to panic. "Athena stay here!" Dakota ran and jumped on Flame. They galloped down the road to the cow cutting show. Dakota saw the boys. "Where is Jacob!?" Then she saw him laying on the ground. He was all beat up. "Jacob!" Dakota ran to him. "Are you okay?"

The man's grabs her arm and said " leave him he would be fine like the latest time" flame bites the guys arm and he groans a ow out , Jacob groans holding his stomach as he opens his eyes and looks at her
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"Jacob!" She looks at him. "I'm so sorry for all the things I said. I'm a horrible girlfriend and I know it. Let's go." She grabbed Jacob's arm and helped him up. The slowly walked to Flame and Dakota helped him on. They both rode back to Dakota's house and carefully got off. They put Flame in the stable next to Athena. Dakota and Jacob walked to the house together. She layed him on the couch and sat next to him. "You're going to be okay." Dakota said and turned on the tv for him, while she made dinner.

Jacob looks at the TV then at the kitchen and said " don't blame yourself it is my fault and I am sorry " Jacob wanted to get up and go to her but his stomach hurt to much from their kicks, Jacob sat up groaning hanged his head low he just wanted to cry but he didn't
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