"What? I remember my parents telling me about this boy that used to stay with us a lot. I didn't know it was you! And, yeah this guy named Aaron Williams or something. And he did it on purpose. So he's in jail. It was really hard, but I forgave him." Dakota smiled and walked off the porch. "I'm going to feed the horses really quick!" She called for Athena and Flame and both horses walked beside her into the barn.
Jacob said " no way you gotta be joking"then remembers who the name was and walks with her to help if needed to he felt better but not all the way Jacob watches flame follow Dakota and Athena
Dakota fed both horses their grain. She grabbed a brush and went to groom Athena. She heard the barn door slide open. It was Jacob. "Hey! I'm grooming Athena. There's another brush on the shelf over there if you want to groom Flame." Dakota had made a whole stall for Flame. She put bedding down and a bucket of apples for him. On the outside she wrote Flame. She continued to brush Athena as Jacob talked to her.
Jacob said " do you know who Aaron Williams is" Jacob brushes flames neck and down to his stomach and looks at his stall and smiles flame was happy to have his own stall and glad he was home, Jacob was glad he was with Dakota and hope to be with her all the time
"No I don't. I've never met him or anyone in his family." Dakota brushed through Athena's mane and braided it. It was hard to keep her still because she kept communicating with Flame. "Why? Do you know him?" Dakota asked Jacob.
Jacob said "uh... he is my father I know a lot about him he when to jail when I was a baby when I was 6 then when I was 9 also I was there on the day of the accident not in the car but near it"
"What... You saw it happen? I tried to escape from the foster agency and try to find you. Because at the time, I didn't know it was you. I happened to get out and I saw the crash scene, but the police wouldn't let me near it. I never got to say goodbye to them. When I was 16, I came back home. That's when I rescued Athena!" Dakota smiled happy to have Athena now.
Jacob nods and said " I was walking home when it happened I was getting candy my mom always letter me go down and get candy but it wasn't a accident I knew what it was " Jacob looks at her in pain of what he saw to what she might have been feeling that time
"If it wasn't an accident, then what was it?" Dakota asked. She was shaking so much she had to sit down. She pictured her parent's faces when the crash occurred. It was a miracle that she wasn't with them.
Jacob shakely said " it was my fault my dad didn't like how close I was to them so he ran his truck into them and their car hit a tree I tried to get them out and help them but the police pulled me away but I got to talk to your mother she wanted me to give you this" pulling a letter out of his wallet