
Dakota felt horrible. "I never should have left you. I have dinner for you." She walked over and handed him a plate of food. "She sat down next to him. Dakota put her arm around him. "You're going to be okay." She put her head on his shoulder, and fell asleep. Outside, Athena and Flame were so happy to be together again! They were even more happy that Dakota and Jacob were back together.

Jacob puts his arm and ate his dinner with one hand,Jacob smiles and kissed his forehead and lays his head on hers watches the TV before putting his plate down and picking her up bride style and carrying her to her room, Jacob lays her down and put the blankets over her and walks out closing the door behind him
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Dakota woke up the next morning. She got up before Jacob and made him breakfast. She set it down on the coffee table and wrote him a note. It said, "Jacob- I went out to the barn to feed the horses. By the time you wake up, me and Athena should be out on a ride. If you need anything, I'll be back in about 15 minuets. Love you! Dakota." Dakota walked out to the barn and fed Athena and Flame. She grabbed Athena's tack and jumped on her. She let Flame out in the pasture and rode Athena down the road. By the time she got back, Jacob was already outside on the porch waiting. He had a ton of bruises and scrapes. The wrost thing was that he had a black eye. She didn't care though. "Hey! I see you must be walking now!" She came up and sat next to him on the bench. She smiled and they both watched the horses play.

Jacob laughs and said " yeah I am it doesn't hurt as much but I'll heal" Jacob puts his arm around and said " your couch isn't comfortable " looking at her then back at the horses, flame rears trying to show off at her cause he was a stallion and she was a mare, but Athena was his mare no one else to flame
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Athena joined in. She reared and tossed her head. Dakota laughs and turns to Jacob. "Yeah, I've been hoping to get a new couch, but horses are a lot of work. Is your brother taking over your house or something? I can hear you guys fighting in there." Dakota just shakes her head and laughes. She looks up at Jacob and smiles.

Jacob laughs and said "sorry you have to hear that but no I am not letting him take my house he has he own but we never see each other at all so he comes down for a while " Jacob then said " if he ever trys to I'll hurt him myself "
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"Oh. I don't have any siblings, or parents. It's just me and Athena. I can get pretty lonely sometimes. But, I get used to it. It's really hard on Athena though. She is the only horse in the stable." Dakota said. Athena and Flame were still running around. "I'm going to go inside really quick." Dakota went inside and walked to her room. She sat on the edge of the bed. She looked at the picture of her and her parents. "Mom, Dad, I really miss you. Things are really hard here. Athena and I get lonely a lot. I know I'll see you guys someday, but I wish you were here now." She looked down. Tears fell down here face. She could barely think about her parents. She wiped her eyes and walked back outside. She sat down on the edge of the bench with her head down.

Jacob looks at her side said " hey you are okay I am sorry " Jacob puts his hand on her back and rubs it then said "your mom was very pretty and a happy girl when she had you she told me you smiles at her when she had you first time"
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"Wait? You knew my mom? It's just been tough for me to ignore it. At one point I was in 8 foster homes in one month. I lost them when I was 8. Almost 10 years in 2 days. They died on my birthday. It was devastating. I was at home waiting for them to come with dinner when the police came to my door and told me they had died in a car accident. They gave me 20 minutes to pack my things, and they took me to the foster agency." Dakota looked at him. She hugged him and cried. Athena and Flame saw her and they hung their heads in sadness.

Jacob hugs her and said " I am sorry your parents was like a father and mother to me as well they were kinder then mine"then Jacob sighed and said " did the police tell you who hit their car"
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