Horse Eden Eventing Game
Horse Eden Eventing Game

Year: 188   Season: Fall   
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Forecast: Crisp, Clear, and Cool
Tue 04:29pm  
Stables Online:  115 
04:24:00 Sunni bunny
-HEE Click-

Horses for sale $500 and up, lots of foundations horses need to go.
Also have fully training trail riding Mares up for sale.
MakeEm Fancy
04:14:12 Ally 💜
-HEE Click-
Legacy Leagues
04:10:50 Alyssa (Future Vet)
WWW WB Freshman for 189!
-HEE Click-
Ee Aa Cr Rn prl To (Buckskin Roan Pearl Tobiano)
Straw thread is up!
-HEE Click-

WWW WB Future Freshman! Watch for straws!
-HEE Click-
Ee AA Cr prl Ch (Amber Creme Pearl)
Bioshock Manor
04:08:07 Storm
3 month and up rerolls and upgrades. PM to claim
Marvel Manor
Check out AQH's for auction! It ends this Friday!
-HEE Click-
Willow Grove
03:28:23 AA Breeder
Brood thread for 189! Includes WWWs, LB & LB potential, and color! Come check them out and PM me if you have any questions or concerns
-HEE Click-

Help me test my boy, straws are free! Ch prl WWW AA freshie, year 189
-HEE Click-
I need a 1mo upgrade ASAP please pm me and I'll send ebs I WILL PAY A MAX OF 95K FOR ONE
Fluffy's Cosy Home
03:20:54 Fluffy
I have:
*WWW/WW Straws
*Items in my store
*Sale horses
-HEE Click-
Port Royal Equines
03:14:38 ISO Kratos Straws
-HEE Click-
Irish Cob Painting at auction! Please consider bidding. 🫶🏻

-HEE Click-
EEE+ broods starting at 3k! Some are W producers. Take a chance!
03:08:28 Tier 1 Artist
Tier 1 custom stable set up for auction!
-HEE Click-

Lilac YHH set also for auction <3
-HEE Click-

RID Freshie straws for 189 - CC PrlPrl
-HEE Click-

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Horse Eden Eventing Game
04:24:00 Sunni bunny
-HEE Click-

Horses for sale $500 and up, lots of foundations horses need to go.
Also have fully training trail riding Mares up for sale.
MakeEm Fancy
04:14:12 Ally 💜
-HEE Click-
Legacy Leagues
04:10:50 Alyssa (Future Vet)
WWW WB Freshman for 189!
-HEE Click-
Ee Aa Cr Rn prl To (Buckskin Roan Pearl Tobiano)
Straw thread is up!
-HEE Click-

WWW WB Future Freshman! Watch for straws!
-HEE Click-
Ee AA Cr prl Ch (Amber Creme Pearl)
Bioshock Manor
04:08:07 Storm
3 month and up rerolls and upgrades. PM to claim
Marvel Manor
Check out AQH's for auction! It ends this Friday!
-HEE Click-
Willow Grove
03:28:23 AA Breeder
Brood thread for 189! Includes WWWs, LB & LB potential, and color! Come check them out and PM me if you have any questions or concerns
-HEE Click-

Help me test my boy, straws are free! Ch prl WWW AA freshie, year 189
-HEE Click-
I need a 1mo upgrade ASAP please pm me and I'll send ebs I WILL PAY A MAX OF 95K FOR ONE
Fluffy's Cosy Home
03:20:54 Fluffy
I have:
*WWW/WW Straws
*Items in my store
*Sale horses
-HEE Click-
Port Royal Equines
03:14:38 ISO Kratos Straws
-HEE Click-
Irish Cob Painting at auction! Please consider bidding. 🫶🏻

-HEE Click-
EEE+ broods starting at 3k! Some are W producers. Take a chance!
03:08:28 Tier 1 Artist
Tier 1 custom stable set up for auction!
-HEE Click-

Lilac YHH set also for auction <3
-HEE Click-

RID Freshie straws for 189 - CC PrlPrl
-HEE Click-

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than 1 day before you can use our chatbox.



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   The Strong Shall Prevail | RP Thread | Open September 24, 2022 01:57 AM

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Discussion | Sign-ups | Roleplay (you are here)

Sign-ups are open if you wish to join. Otherwise feel free to read along!

RP Rules

~Please make sure to follow HEE rules and guidelines, as well as those stated in the sign-ups thread. Keep things PG-13 and ~fade to black~ if and when necessary.

~While there is no word requirement, posts should be more than a few sentences.

~Only I will be able to change time and weather. This is to keep the story moving at a reasonable pace.

~No posting without being accepted beforehand.

~If you have any questions then please ask via pm or even the discussion link! That being said please communicate with other players as well!

~While human interactions are allowed please keep it to the minimum. This world isn't modern, but it isn't the wild west. Any human interaction would most likely be running into nomadic tribes of native people; domestic horses are present, so the need for wild horses isn't great.

~Participate in the RP by posting at least 1-2 times a week. I understand everyone has a real life to attend to, be courteous and announce when you won't be able to post. <3

Edited at September 24, 2022 04:40 AM by Wild West Winds
The Strong Shall Prevail | RP Thread | Open September 24, 2022 01:32 AM

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General Information

The current Map of the known world

Map of the world

credits go to a website called clickspeeder

The herd

Only the lead mare shall determine where the herd moves, but if there is no lead mare then the lead stallion shall make this decision. Herd members must stay in numbers, no horse shall be left alone or stray too far should they wish to survive. This being said, the lead stallion will be the one to make decisions on exactly who joins the herd. After all, he is the protector of any and everyone within the faction, therefore it will be his duty to watch over everyone. It's quite imperative that if any member who decides to leave inform their leaders, they will be freed without hesitation because nobody will be kept against their wishes.


Unlike horses in the wild of our world, foals bred within the herd may stay and will not be forced to leave. Foals will not remain babies indefinitely as everyone will age with time. Foals and yearlings that reach adulthood must decide their own fate; whether they leave or stay is dependent on the individual. If a parent wishes to not be apart of the foals' life, then that is their own decision. The parent must understand that consequences may follow, therefore this is a decision to not make lightly on whim. Any members are free to have offspring or romance others with little exception other than no romance between your own characters.

Bachelor Stallions

When it comes to bachelor stallions who wish to join up: they must be approved by both lead mare and stallion. The lead mare shall speak on the behalf of all herd mares, while the lead stallion decides if this newcomer isn't trying to put the herd into danger. Once a herd stallion it is important to note that trying to undermine the lead stallion's authority, or overtake said position is not a challenge taken lightly; usually met with great backlash, the challenger may be forcefully removed. The role of a lead stallion is very simple: you are a member of the herd, granting the herd with added security.

Will add more to this when needed, but for now enjoy. This is simply a loose guideline to follow for characters. Of course it may change with time.

Edited at September 24, 2022 04:32 AM by Wild West Winds
The Strong Shall Prevail | RP Thread | Open September 24, 2022 01:32 AM

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Current setting...

Season: Late spring
Weather: Cool; bound to heat up significantly
Time: Late morning (~10 am)
Map location: Bottom far right; desert with badlands, plateaus, and sand dunes

Late in the morning when the weather remains pleasantly cool with a slight breeze playing with the tall desert weeds. After a freezing night spent in the sandy dunes the sun is gradually warming up the earth. Forage consists of dry shrubs, even drought resistant grass may be rewarded to those who remain vigilant. One may find shade underneath the scarce trees, granted that they remain wary of potential predation such as snakes, coyotes, or even wild boars. Sources of water are scarce, yet there is a nearby lake that has greatly suffered due to a drought; one must be careful and bring a friend otherwise they may find themselves in trouble.

The herd anticipates Fuerte's decision whether or not they will continue to endure this desert, heading further westward in search of better land, or if they will head north towards the forests. However, they would risk facing predation of wolves, cougars, and bears once they cross into the old growth forests. Although greener hills lay well beyond the desert, with rolling plains and an abundance of food for the herd, they would face bands of bachelors potentially challenging for mares.

Edited at September 24, 2022 04:36 AM by Wild West Winds
The Strong Shall Prevail | RP Thread | Open September 24, 2022 01:32 AM

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{ Químico Fuerte }

Lead stallion / 3 years / Location: outskirts of herd / M: Open

Fuerte embraced the breeze that swept through the dunes, whipping up sand without a care and carrying it off into the distance, passing over Fuerte and leaving the stallion with a shiver through his muscular body. Fuerte kept his head raised, powerful crest arched as he surveyed the land, amber eyes on the horizon in search of any sign of danger. He lingered on the outskirts of the herd, a careful distance away from anyone where they would feel most comfortable knowing that he would be there in a moments notice; yet not too close as he had a feeling that some of the mares hadn't grown used to his presence. Nonetheless he had a duty to protect them, and would serve them well.

The morning seemed lazy with clouds dotting the sky, sleepily floating across the endless blue as the sun peaked behind them. Perhaps even some of the mares were still asleep? Fuerte's eyes danced over their figures, silently counting each individual and crossing off the list in his head. Everyone seemed to be present which eased his every present worry, although he wouldn't openly express it, usually carefully hidden behind his charming smile. Even now he found himself grinning whilst his eyes parted from his herd in favor of scanning the nearest tree; he felt a wonderful sense of happiness during these types of mornings. When nothing could seemingly ruin the peaceful moments the herd could share. Despite this Fuerte remained vigilant, for he knew far too well how a good thing could quickly turn bad.

Another breeze picks up and shakes the dry shrubs as if to wake them from slumber. Soon the sun would become unbearable, for now it warmed Fuerte and his bones after a night spent shivering in the freezing desert. The stallion began to move from his stationary position, knocking over the occasional rock as he moved further from the herd. A nearby sand dune towered above the faction that served as a blindspot. Fuerte knew he had to scout the area so that he would be aware of their immediate surroundings. He would slip further away from the herd as the earth beneath his hooves evolved into red sand.

The sand shifts underneath Fuerte's hooves, rolling down to smear any tracks he would've left behind should anyone wish to follow it would prove difficult to track him. Fuerte took note of how far he had gone from the herd, he was out of sight but not earshot; the digits upon his head straining for any sounds of distress or movement whilst he continued up the steep dune. Fuerte carefully stepping around a large scorpion, and pressed further on until he reached the peak. Precariously situated upon the tip of the dune, Fuerte looked down upon his herd from a greater distance than before. Fuerte engulfed in warmth due to the sun smiling down upon him, the sparse colors shone like copper across the barren white which gleamed gently.

Momentarily the clouds would roll by as shadows and light danced across the mares below, the sun would greet them in all of its glory as warmth flooded the open sky. Fuerte doesn't linger in the same spot for long, and would shortly disappear out of sight, moving down the dune with cautious steps. Amber eyes flicked up and took in his new surroundings composed of endless sand. In the distance a bird flew about in circles, perhaps a vulture has found carrion which had been very common to find since their trip into the desert. Fuerte assumed the poor creature succumbed to the harsh conditions, and with that thought in mind he would continue walking. Eventually making his way around to where the red sand meets dry earth. The ground being much harder with rocks strewn about which Fuerte paid attention towards, in search of any fresh tracks. The skill of tracking had been passed down to Químico Fuerte by his dam from an early age; he resembled her greatly, not only in appearance but her intellect.

Fuerte detected the stale scent of snake, and paused near a tall cactus in order to closely inspect the faint tracks along the ground. Keen eyes followed the unmistakeable pattern amongst the ground until it grew faint near a thicket of brush. An angry snort leaves the stallion's nostrils at the very thought of the predator growing closer to the herd-- his herd. He's careful enough to avoid the taller forage, but neverless trots towards his herd in hopes of warning them before mayhem struck.

(Note: Everyone may begin posting now!)

Edited at September 24, 2022 05:48 AM by Wild West Winds
The Strong Shall Prevail | RP Thread | Open September 24, 2022 07:50 PM

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Pumpkin Spice opened eyes to see a slithering noodle body. She jumped up and stared at it hoping it would just disintegrate. "Fuerte?" she called. She wondered if he had just ran away to leave her and these other lonley mares to fend for themselves. "Fuerte?" she called louder. Then the snake moved towards her legs, Pumpkin trotted about 20 feet away and started prancing. She could not convince herself that Fuerte had left them. Then in the cloud of dust surronding her she saw a faint shadow, was it, could it be? "Fuerte, your back!"
The Strong Shall Prevail | RP Thread | Open September 24, 2022 11:21 PM

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Herd Mare | Three Years | Location: Within The Herd | M: Pumpkin, Fuerte

Concordia had awoken from her slumber only recently, stirred awake by the waking sun. The rest she had received passed as sufficient. Lifting her head from its hanging position the little mare turned her head, her nostrils flaring as she heaved out a low sigh. As usual, her light-colored forelock hung over both of her eyes, hindering her vision. However, Cordia didn't seem to mind, seeing as it was normal for her at this point. She took a few steps forward, careful to avoid waking any of the others if they were still asleep.

An itch in the back of her throat was a strict reminder that she would need water at some point today. Concord made a mental note to ask Fuerte about making a trip to one of the scarce water sources later today. Even if the others weren't thirsty, it would still be ideal to make a stop. The mare paused for a second, shaking her head so that her forelock fell out of her eyes slightly. She took the opportunity to take a look around for the stallion. When she couldn't find him, she seemingly shrugged it off. He was probably off by himself somewhere close by.

Still relatively new to his herd, Concordia didn't know him, or anyone for that matter, extremely well. She knew she would get to know everyone in due time. However, she couldn't see Fuerte running off in the middle of the night to leave herself and the other mares to fend for themselves. He seemed to be trustworthy, one of the main reasons Cordia had chosen to join him. For now, she didn't regret her decision.

Continuing on, the mare made her way over to a dried-out shrub. It wasn't the best-tasting thing she'd ever had, but it did the job, helping to fill her stomach. Concordia lowered her head, closely examining the shrub for any signs of animal activity before ripping a few of the dried leaves off and chewing on them. After a few minutes, she relaxed one of her back legs, continuing to nibble on the shrub as the sun continued to rise. Even in the short amount of time that Concord had been awake, the temperature had risen quite a bit, but not to the point of uncomfortableness.

It was only when one of the other mares started calling for Fuerte that Concordia looked back. Her ears pricked forward and then backward as she listened to her call out for the stallion. Pumpkin was her name, perhaps? Cordia couldn't exactly remember her name. With her vision blocked by her forelock, Cordia flared out her nostrils and inhaled deeply. She could practically smell the distress coming from the mare. Shaking her head to clear her vision once more, she glimpsed the mares retreat from her current spot and the culprit, a little snake. It was probably searching for a decent spot to sunbathe where it wouldn't be disturbed. As long as it was left alone Concord couldn't see it causing any further issues.

However, Concordia's attention flickered back to the other mare as she announced that Fuerte had returned. By now her forelock had fallen back into her eyes, but she would take the other mare's word for it. Throwing out a soft greeting nicker, Cordia turned back to the shrub, continuing to much away on the far from delectable forage. It was not feeling super great on her throat at this point. She would make a point to search from some grass today if they went to a water source.

Edited at September 24, 2022 11:21 PM by Avarian
The Strong Shall Prevail | RP Thread | Open September 24, 2022 11:51 PM

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Pumpkin heard the sound of the acquaintance mare's nicker and felt at ease. She watched as the harmless snake moved away. Pumpkin felt as peaceful as a butterfly, some might even say safe. With the snake gone and the new stallion coming she did not fell like she needed to run. The lead stallion of her birth herd, Apatche was the only one she knew up until Fuerte. Apatche was down right scary to be with, and his hooves like thunder, she was glad he was not her father.
Pumpkin saw her fellow herd mare, Concordia eating a dead shrub and wondered who would eat that, She would rather starve herself. Pumpkin gathered her thoughts and remembered not to judge. She convinced herself to go up to meet the other mare, and then stopped, looked down and turned around. Her normally pure white legs where covered in dust up to her knees. Her hair was also packed with dust, sticks and bugs. Pumpkin decided to wait for concord to come speak to her. Then she remembered, Fuerte, how would he react to such a messy mare. Too late Fuerte was already there, his flowing mane and tail mixed with his everlasting kindness was enough too persuade pumpkin that she wanted to be in his herd.

Edited at September 24, 2022 11:52 PM by Valley Thoroughbreds
The Strong Shall Prevail | RP Thread | Open September 25, 2022 12:18 AM

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{ Químico Fuerte }

Lead stallion / 3 years / Location: within the herd / M: Pumpkin, Concordia

The sounds of distress forced Fuerte to race back to his mares, barreling through dry brush and sending dirt flying at a sliding stop. His eyes briefly looked over the surrounding indiviuals, the petite mare Concord seemed rather content at finding a shrub to nibble upon, simply greeting him with a soft nicker. Her rather lax demeanor briefly calmed Fuerte allowing the stallion to focus on the others. Another voice called for him-- stress and relief filled her tone, and a quick look around and he found that Pumpkin was the source. He paid little attention to her current appearance as he was far too focused on taking control of the situation. Fuerte trots closer to her, all too aware of the gopher snake darting between them, but pays no attention to the harmless reptile. Instead of greeting the mare properly, he urges Pumpkin to move away by using his body language, angling his body between her and the retreating snake, directing Pumpkin away from the area with a gentle nudge to the mare's flank. Fuerte thought that while the snake meant no harm he knew it would be best to leave the creature alone; if not for the reptiles' sake, then for Pumpkin's own anxiety.

They wouldn't have gone much farther than a few yards, perhaps closer to the other mares where they could all see that he had returned. Fuerte settles alongside Pumpkin, and only then did he greet her with a gentle nicker. "I hadn't made it back in time.." He sounded disgruntled, yet a warm smile falls into place, "Are you alright?" the question was rather simple, yet his tone held genuine concern. While he doubted Pump would have been injured, Fuerte could feel the mare's stress coming off in waves and wanted to soothe her worry. Despite knowing little of Pumpkin, or rather any of the mares, he felt the need to befriend them. Another reason as to why he had asked his intial question.

Though they were mere acquaintances, Fuerte was far too aware of how mares were treated by stallions crueler than him. After all his own sire had been a tyrant, a force to reckoned with, but from Fuerte's own experience he hadn't wish to become his father. Fuerte found a sense of pride that he didn't have to rely on brute strength to force mares to join him. Instead they willingly followed, perhaps enthralled by his personality, or grateful to having escaped a bad situation. Nontheless, Fuerte wouldn't wish malice upon his mares, for it's a privilege to have them follow his lead; and he was determined to serve them diligently.

While his attention remained on the mare before him, Fuerte's audits flicked back towards the group scattered about. It seemed everyone would be awake by now due to the sudden commotion. He knew that soon the weather would turn far more warmer, making travel more of a hazard without water and shade. Fuerte made a mental note to gather everyone and begin moving preferably soon rather than later. Again the stallion felt within him a sense of worry combatting his natural instinct of guarding those who depened on him; for the possibility of running into another herd was something everyone needed to be aware of. He only hoped that the mares would understand his reasoning and continue to follow.

Edited at September 25, 2022 12:19 AM by Wild West Winds
The Strong Shall Prevail | RP Thread | Open September 25, 2022 01:31 AM

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herd mare / 3 years / location: W/the herd / M: fuerte, concordia
Pumpkin was quite relieved to see Fuerte. When she noticed him telling her to move away with small significant body movements, she obeyed quickly. Pumpkin wanted to come off as an easy-going mare, and by being scared by a tiny snake was probably not the best way. She knew that every horse in the herd was new to each other, and that made it feel less awkward. Once away from the pale yellow and grey moving stick she heard Fuerte's concerned voice and answered " Yes I am fine, just a little startle, sorry." Pumpkin felt her heart beat inside her dust coated chest. She was not sure how Fuerte would react to her causing such a commotion. Though she was sure he would be fine she prepared to get out of his way fast. If this was her old herd she would have been bit plenty by now. Then she looked into his eyes, and saw what she thought was forgiveness and relaxed. Her assumption was right, Fuerte was different.
The Strong Shall Prevail | RP Thread | Open September 25, 2022 02:14 AM

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Herd Mare | Three Years | Location: Within The Herd | M: Fuerte, Pumpkin

Concordia finished off the shrub in only a matter of minutes after Fuerte's arrival, and after she was done, she turned back towards where Pumpkin and Fuerte were standing. She was unsure if she should approach the two of them as she took a few hesitant steps forward before ultimately deciding against it. The other mare was safe and Fuerte was there. She didn't need Cordia to check up on her like a mare would check up on a foal. Turning, Concord went back to where she had slept during the night and lowered her head, blowing out a large puff of air that dislodged some of the sand on the ground causing it to fly up into the air around her muzzle. Snorting loudly, she promptly raised her head.

Looking back over at Fuerte and Pumpkin, she finally spoke up. "I think everyone's alright. If we're going anywhere, we should leave soon." Her voice was quiet and smooth as she as spoke, almost hesitantly. Now, Concordia wasn't shy. No, in fact, she liked to consider herself to be socially adept, thanks to her dam, but the equines around her now were all new. If anything, Cordia was still getting used to their presence and their temperaments. The last thing she wanted to do was to say something that set someone off. Of course, she didn't expect anyone to react violently, but, again, she had assumed it was better safe than sorry to tread lightly for now. Besides, she wasn't the lead mare. It wasn't her place to make decisions like that for the herd and she vaguely wondered if she had overstepped any boundaries with her statement.

Her tail swished behind her as she tossed her head, sweeping her forelock aside successfully on the second attempt. She looked between Pumpkin and Fuerte, watching both closely. They seemed to be getting along well with each other despite the interaction being quite fleeting. It was a good sign, one that Concordia would take note of. Perhaps Pumpkin was an easily stressed mare, seeing her reaction to the snake. Time would tell for sure, but that was her initial thought after her reaction. Fuerte's reaction had just confirmed what she'd thought beforehand; he was protective, which wasn't a bad thing by any means.

Looking away from both, Concord realized she had been staring. Instead, she turned her head and nipped at a pesky fly on her flank. If there was anything that could get under her skin faster than flies, she had yet to find it. Heaving out a large sigh as the fly retreated, she swung her head back around to face Pumpkin and Fuerte. Her ears twitched slightly as she glanced behind them at the rolling sand dunes. They were tinted red, brightened by the sun. She could practically feel the heat rolling off of them already. If they were going to move, it would be best to do it sooner rather than later, as she had stated previously.

Edited at September 25, 2022 10:26 PM by Avarian

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