
Cincinnati walks into the castle gates and stand there for a while looking around at every thing he was getting bored and wonders when the day was going to end for him Cincinnati didn't know why Zena bumped in to him and why she was so shy tell him what she wanted to say
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Zena awoke with a sudden jerk. She ran out of the library and down the hall. The doors swung open as she galloped out. Her black mane flowing behind her. She ran to where Fenriz and her stood. He wasn't there. "Huh. Where did he go?" She told herself. Zena looked around until finding hoof prints in the dirt. "Ah ha!" She tthe tracks to a dark and shady restaurant looking place. Zena opened the door and saw strings of lights hanging on every wall. "Fenriz! There you are! I've been looking all over for you! Hey, What's that?" Zena asked looking at the golden beaded necklace. "It's very pretty!" Zena smiled and watched the very little amount of guests order drinks and leave. Zena ordered one herself and looked over at the stallion. Edited at September 29, 2022 05:44 PM by Brookfield Stables

Cincinnati walks around but stop and falls to sleep like he needed to but nothing was coming and if they were he would do something about it Cincinnati looks around before dropping his head low and sleeping . Star walks around she has no please to stay anyhow but she wanted to see more of the town and walks towards the castle like she was going to enter
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Fenriz Outlaw / 9 years / Location: Village tavern / M: Zena Fenriz worked the golden beads along several braids, the length of each braid estimated about forty inches. The beads were solid gold, and felt rather hefty in weight with runes etched into the metal. Pleased at his work, Fenriz hummed and sipped his drink slowly. Someone approached him, but he doesn't bother making eye contact. He easily recognized the voice of the princess, eyes moving from his glass towards her.
"Ah, yes... These are beads meant for manes or even tails, as you can see," he shakes his head with a chuckle, the sudden movement causing his mane to sway along. The golden beads caught the light in a way that the metal seemed to glow. Fenriz meets her eyes, "You never told me your name, other than 'princess'," he spoke in a hushed tone as to not draw attention to themselves.

Zena admired the golden beads. When they shined, her green eyes shimmered. She turned to Fenriz. "Oh, I thought I told you. Whatever, my name is Zena. And yes, the beads definetally look like they are meant for our hair." Zena said as she shook her head and gave a slight chuckle. Her emerald eyes met his ice blue eyes. Zena flashed a quick smiled and blushed. "So, are you from around here? Or... Just visiting?" Zena cocked her head to the side. She sipped her drink and looked around at all the decorations and lights. "It's really nice in here. It's good to get a break from the castle life." Zena sighed. "All I ever do is work, work, work. You're so lucky. You get to explore the world everyday, while i'm stuck inside doing chores." Zena managed to grin over at Fenriz.
Fenriz Outlaw / 9 years / Location: Village tavern / M: Zena Fenriz nods along as Zena speaks, committing her name to his memory. Their gaze meets briefly in which he takes notice of the change in her behavior, he didn't want to assume anything so he thought nothing of her blush. "Nice in here?" he grunts, head turning to observe the atmosphere. The patrons of the tavern were rather mellow with a hum filling the air due to their chatter. Fenriz' attention pulls back to Zena, yet he finds himself frowning at her words. "It's rude to assume that.. I've got to work everyday in order to scrape together enough coin for a hot meal," he grits his teeth, and breathes out a sigh. "Zena, we live in two different worlds which I won't compare" he sighs and continues, "Occasionally I do travel outside the city walls, but I was born in the slums". His mood had noticeably darkened, he no longer met her gaze instead staring off into the amber liquid which filled his cup yet he didn't bother to drink. Fenriz scrunched his brows together and huffs, his docked tail swishing in annoyance, he despised how quick he could switch to anger. Surely Zena seemed like a decent person, but he couldn't help the feeling of hatred towards the monarchy. After all he had to steal and fight in order to survive, yet Fenriz didn't have a home to call his own. He looks across to Zena, hesitant to speak, but knowing he had let his emotions get the best of him. "I am sorry for snapping at you... You don't deserve that, I'm just not used to this. Anyone that I've ever talked to always wanted to shove a knife in my gut". The chuckle that followed felt forced through his gritted teeth.

Zena smiled and listened to Fenriz. When he was done speaking, she met his eyes again. "It's alright. I'm kinda used to it. Well, I don't really know if people want to get a knife out, but I surely don't!" She giggled and pulled out a bag of coins from her bag. "Here. I think you need it." She grinned and stood up, pushing her chair in. "Well, I hope you find a place to call home." Zena flashed a slight smile and walked towards the door. "So, I'll be seeing you tomorrow?" She asked with a tilt of her head. Blush covered her cheeks. Wind blew in from the window and her mane flowed along with it. Zena brushed her wavy mane out of her face and looked towards Fenriz. Edited at September 30, 2022 03:13 PM by Brookfield Stables
Fenriz Outlaw / 9 years / Location: outside of village tavern / M: Zena Fenriz stared at the offered coins and couldn't help the frown forming upon his muzzle. He wasn't a charity case and took offense at being treated as such. Zena made her way towards the door with the stallion trailing behind her. He looks down at her and hums thoughtfully, "Perhaps.. I will be in the city for some time, so there is a chance I'll be here tomorrow". The stallion made his way out of the tavern but allows Zena to exit first. His head swiveled towards the right before looking off to the left, "How come you walk the streets alone? Wouldn't it be dangerous for a princess to be without a guard or two?" he wondered aloud. Edited at October 1, 2022 02:48 PM by Wild West Winds

Star took off galloping and bucking in front of Cincinnati stall and said " is it boring to be a knight or not " Cincinnati sighed and said "yes young one it is very boring but I'll live with it" Star nods her head and opens Cincinnati door before walking off and Cincinnati follows behind her
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Marsena Villager / 5 years / Location: Village / M: Open The mare wandered the streets at an ambling gait as she was in no hurry to reach her destination. Marsena knew that today would be a great opportunity to enjoy herself and relax after working hard. The marketplace always had good street food, her mouth watered at the various treats she anticipated eating. A small coin purse was attatched to her neck by a string, and jingled pleasantly to the rhythm of her steps. She passes by couples and families, perhaps staring at them far too long. She felt a pang of loneliness within, but shakes it off and continues to head towards the marketplace. After she had left her family to become independent, Marsena had grown used to being by herself as she had little friends. Although she remains optimistic and puts her energy towards her job instead of fretting all day.