Horse Eden Eventing Game
Horse Eden Eventing Game

Year: 188   Season: Fall   
$: 0
Forecast: Crisp, Clear, and Cool
Tue 07:59pm  
Stables Online:  104 
Breezy Way Ranch
07:58:09 Red
-HEE Click-
EEE - EWW multi breed color auction!
Emmas Eventers
Horses for sale -HEE Click-
Port Royal Equines
07:53:36 ISO Kratos Straws
-HEE Click-
Adopts for sale! 15k each!
Dash and Duchess
07:27:56 T1 Artist, W+ seller
WWW CcrC Zz SH girl by Atlas for sale, details below! She won't be able to be prioritized here so i'm looking to sell :)
-HEE Click-
Unwanted Ones
Hundreds of cheap brood mares in my stables
SS Warmbloods
WBs for sale in sale barn and yearlings barn must go

-HEE Click-
Shoffstall Stables
06:50:11 Syd
Lots of KNNs and SHs for sale cheap! High ratings with rare colors and patterns!

-HEE Click-
§ Stablez
06:47:33 $yd_da_$quid77
Tons of Xs for sale cheap! High ratings with rare colors and patterns! 2 full sale barns!

-HEE Click-
06:39:53 Tier 1 Artist
Tier 1 custom stable set up for auction!
-HEE Click-

Lilac YHH set also for auction <3
-HEE Click-

RID Freshie straws for 189 - CC PrlPrl
-HEE Click-
Legacy Leagues
06:35:32 Alyssa (Future Vet)
WWW WB Freshman for 189!
-HEE Click-
Ee Aa Cr Rn prl To (Buckskin Roan Pearl Tobiano)
Straw thread is up!
-HEE Click-

WWW WB Future Freshman! Watch for straws!
-HEE Click-
Ee AA Cr prl Ch (Amber Creme Pearl)

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Horse Eden Eventing Game
Breezy Way Ranch
07:58:09 Red
-HEE Click-
EEE - EWW multi breed color auction!
Emmas Eventers
Horses for sale -HEE Click-
Port Royal Equines
07:53:36 ISO Kratos Straws
-HEE Click-
Adopts for sale! 15k each!
Dash and Duchess
07:27:56 T1 Artist, W+ seller
WWW CcrC Zz SH girl by Atlas for sale, details below! She won't be able to be prioritized here so i'm looking to sell :)
-HEE Click-
Unwanted Ones
Hundreds of cheap brood mares in my stables
SS Warmbloods
WBs for sale in sale barn and yearlings barn must go

-HEE Click-
Shoffstall Stables
06:50:11 Syd
Lots of KNNs and SHs for sale cheap! High ratings with rare colors and patterns!

-HEE Click-
§ Stablez
06:47:33 $yd_da_$quid77
Tons of Xs for sale cheap! High ratings with rare colors and patterns! 2 full sale barns!

-HEE Click-
06:39:53 Tier 1 Artist
Tier 1 custom stable set up for auction!
-HEE Click-

Lilac YHH set also for auction <3
-HEE Click-

RID Freshie straws for 189 - CC PrlPrl
-HEE Click-
Legacy Leagues
06:35:32 Alyssa (Future Vet)
WWW WB Freshman for 189!
-HEE Click-
Ee Aa Cr Rn prl To (Buckskin Roan Pearl Tobiano)
Straw thread is up!
-HEE Click-

WWW WB Future Freshman! Watch for straws!
-HEE Click-
Ee AA Cr prl Ch (Amber Creme Pearl)

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Forums > Roleplay > Semi-Literate
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Mallow Grove Stables || Roleplay Thread || OPEN August 14, 2023 01:15 PM

Raindrop Ridge
Posts: 1659
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Drake Vaughan | 18 | Male | Weezy Outta Here (Wayne)
The two boys made their way to Jazz's stall. Drake was informed that Jazz was a six year old trakehner stallion, and that Cade had only had him for a few months. Hopefully Jazz likes show jumping, Drake thought to himself, it would be hard to force a young horse to do something he hated. Though he figured they wouldn't have any problems with jumps, as Jazz was a cross country horse. Cade left to refill his horse's water, and Drake stepped inside to pet the handsome grey stallion. He had always had a soft spot for greys, and this was no exception. Jazz was a darker grey horse, with stockings, a blaze and a pink nose. Drake was truly a sucker for greys with white markings, immediately loving Jazz's sweet face. Once Cade returned from filling the buckets, they headed over to Wayne's stall.
"He's also in this barn, just the other side." Drake told Cade as he started to walk in that direction. Once they arrived at Wayne's stall, after passing a very angry looking stable hand, who received a side eye from Drake. He introduced Cade to his horse, petting Wayne on the nose to let him know this was a good stranger.
"This is my horse Wayne, he's pretty headshy from his owners before I imported him, but he'll warm up to you eventually. He's super sweet and enjoys cuddles, so he'll always be happy to see you, just give him a moment before touching his face. Wayne is a seven year old dutch warmblood gelding, and I've had him for a little less than a year." Drake walked into the stall, seeing his horse still had hay left, and a bucket and a half of water. The stall was still clean, so he didn't have to go searching for a pitch fork.
Mallow Grove Stables || Roleplay Thread || OPEN August 14, 2023 03:13 PM

Ink Splash
Posts: 572
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Peter Nevernight || Male || 37 || At the Firelight (Desti) || Mentions: Everyone

Peter watched as Drake and Cade left after it seemed nobody had any questions, glad they were getting somewhat along together before scanning the room for two people in particular. "Mist and Wistira, can I see you two for a moment?" He paused, trying to think how to word this before taking in a small breath. "Not in trouble. Some people are held up and can't make it here until later, so I'm going to pair you two with some other people to compensate if that sounds good to the both of you? There's someone arriving later today named Ruth Carling who will stand in for Alyssa Divine, and Luvaine has also agreed to help out and stand in for Louis." He would definitely owe the Stablehand later for his help, and also would have to thank Adelle too in hopes she wouldn't be too miffed about having to take a little extra workload because Luvaine wouldn't be always available. "Dinner is available in the dining hall if you're hungry, and the arenas are open for use too if you'd like to do anything. Luvaine is probably somewhere in Barn B, if he's not come talk to me and I'll help you find him."
Mallow Grove Stables || Roleplay Thread || OPEN August 14, 2023 03:43 PM

Dusk acres
Posts: 1705
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Cade |:| 17 |:| Male |:| Jazz Town (Jazz/Jazzy) |:| M : Drake
Cade walked over to Wayne, Drake's seven year old dutch warmblood gelding. Cade held out his hand for Wayne to sniff and began to pat his lower neck, not wanting to startle the headshy horse. "He seems really sweet and he has a good build for cross country." Cade noted. He did indeed have a nice athletic, muscular built that was great for cross country. Cade watched as Drake checked to make sure Wayne was doing alright and kept patting the horses neck. Once he was done he retracted his hand slowly, not wanting to scare Wayne. Wayne was a beautiful horse. He was a dark bay which Cade always thought was a nice color. He had some markings that made him look soft and cuddly. As long as he liked cross country he should have no problem doing it well Cade thought. Suddenlly Cade yawned. He blinked, a little embarrassed. "Sorry, I guess im tired from traveling." Truthfully Cade was quite tired, the full day of travel had caused some jet lag. "I think im going to head up to the cabin. If you want to come with me you can but feel free to spend me time with Wayne, he's a beautiful horse."
Mallow Grove Stables || Roleplay Thread || OPEN August 14, 2023 06:05 PM

Raindrop Ridge
Posts: 1659
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Drake Vaughan | 18 | Male | Weezy Outta Here (Wayne)
"I think I'll head up to the cabin with you, it was a really long drive for me and an early morning. I'm ready for a shower and a good nights sleep." Drake told Cade, locking Wayne's stall, giving his horse a kiss on the nose. They walked back out of the barn, following the dirt path to their cabin. The cool breeze pushed through Drake's open hoodie, comfortable and reminding him of the cool seasons of Minnesota. He unlocked the cabin's door, kicking his shoes off and going to his closet. Once he had found pajamas, Drake walked into the bathroom. He closed the door and turned the shower on, setting it hot. Drake tossed his clothes into the bathroom corner, stepping into the hundred degree spray of the shower. He made quick work of washing his hair and body, and turned the water off after fifteen minutes. He brushed his teeth, wanting to be completely ready for bed so he wouldn't have to bother Cade if he chose to shower later. Flipping on the bathroom fan, Drake walked into the bedroom, tossing his dirty clothes into his laundry basket. He climbed into bed and put his airpods in, knowing he wouldn't be able to fall asleep so early. He laid down, turned the music up, letting Luke Combs slowly sing him to sleep.
Mallow Grove Stables || Roleplay Thread || OPEN August 14, 2023 06:29 PM

Ink Splash
Posts: 572
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Luvaine Pride || Male || 23 || Call in the Cavalier (Chant) || Mentions: OPEN

Luvaine stretched, poked his head out once more to look at the path, and once confirming there were no more cars coming spun around to head towards Barn B. He wanted to spend some time with Chant before heading out to some of the other barns to see if anyone needed help with anything, especially because this was the first day. It didn't take very long, simply a few minutes, yet as soon as he saw his palomino stallion poke his head out his stable door he immediately broke into a bright smile. Chant looked directly at him, flicking one of his ears and swivelling the other around to try and listen for any other newcomers that maybe came with his owner. Luvaine reached up to gently pet his nose, then offered him a peppermint he had in his pocket before grabbing the halter sitting next to the stall door. "Let's get some exercise, shall we?" Luvaine swung the door open, then stepped inside and slipped the halter over the 16.2hh stallions head. Chant huffed a little, but followed him outside of his stall and out towards where the pastures were located. Mostly everyone was inside at the moment, so he wasn't too worried about which he placed him in. Luvaine led Chant inside, then slipped his halter back off and let him go run around, closing the gate behind him when he left and now leaning against the fence to keep an eye on the palomino. He seemed much happier now that he was outside, despite the chilly weather
Mallow Grove Stables || Roleplay Thread || OPEN August 14, 2023 09:18 PM

Dusk acres
Posts: 1705
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Cade |:| 17 |:| Male |:| Jazz Town (Jazz/Jazzy) |:| M : Drake
Once Cade and Drake were in there cabin Cade sat on his bed on his phone till Drake was done in the bathroom. Once he was done Cade went into the bathroom and took a shower. Once he was done he brushed his teeth and got his clothes on. He then opened the door and walked out of the bathroom, getting into bed. Drake had his airpods in so cade lay in bed texting Shelly. She was happy he was meeting new people which he expected her to be. Cade put his airpods in and went on tiktok for a while. Then he zoned out for a bit thinking of where to start teaching Drake and Wayne cross country. They should probably start in an arena with jumps that are built more like cross country jumps just to start in Wayne (and Drakes) comfort zone. Once he had that planned out he turned on some music and tried to fall asleep but he couldn't. He sat in the darkness for a while trying to fall asleep. Only after turning on an audiobook did he fall asleep.
Mallow Grove Stables || Roleplay Thread || OPEN August 14, 2023 10:07 PM

Former Stable
Posts: 0
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Wisteria Lee || 17 || Female || Take a Little Chance(Chance)
Wisteria took in the barn owner's words and then just nodded. "Thanks for the update." She hoped that her original partner being late would mean that she would have her cabin to herself, at least for a little while. With the mandatory social situation out of the way, she headed to dinner.
She grabbed food, not really paying attention to what was going on her plate. Food was fuel, she didn't have to like it, just eat it. She found it interesting that no one else had come to dinner yet, they were probably out with their partners she guessed. Her new partner was not yet there so she just had time to work with Chance and settle herself in before she had to start learning another discipline, with her luck, it would be English. Though if I have to learn English, it would be funny to learn dressage. Given that, in some ways, Reigning is the Western equivalent. The thought brought a wry smile to her lips. She honestly would probably be terrible at dressage, with what she had heard and seen of it. But that was a problem for future Wistira.
Mallow Grove Stables || Roleplay Thread || OPEN August 14, 2023 10:21 PM

Former Stable
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Mist Chandler || 16 || Female || Angel's Dance(Angle) || M: Luvaine
So I will be working with one of the stable hands? That will be interesting. Hope that means I won't have a roommate after all. I was worried about that. Mist was lost in thought as she exited the main house and headed in the direction of barn B. She remembered seeing a guy at the gate when she had gotten dropped off, maybe that was this Luvaine.
She was almost at barn B when she saw something out of the corner of her eye and turned. The guy who had been at the gate was now leaning on the pasture fence watching a palomino stallion in the field.
She walked up next to him and watched the horse in silence for a bit trying to get up the nerve to talk. She didn't like starting conversations, but she felt like she should in this case.
"I'm Mist, Mist Chandler. But you probably already knew that since you work here. Or maybe you don't. I don't know. I assume you are Luvaine, the person supposed to be my partner? Thanks for that by the way. I know you have other things to do—" She suddenly pulled up short "I was rambling wasn't I. Sorry, I do that sometimes."
Mallow Grove Stables || Roleplay Thread || OPEN August 14, 2023 10:57 PM

Ink Splash
Posts: 572
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Luvaine Pride || Male || 23 || Call in the Cavalier (Chant) || Mentions: Mist

Luvaine had been watching Chant for a little bit when he had seen someone join him at the fence from the corner of his eye. He gave a small glance, but didn't want to speak in case she just wanted some silence. When she finally did address him, Luvaine turned to look at her and gave a small smile. "Ah, no worries. Yep, Luvaine is fine but I also go by Lune if you'd prefer something shorter. It's nice to meet you. If you don't mind me asking, what pronouns do you go by? It's fine if you'd prefer not to answer!" He quickly backpedaled, knowing the topic could be a little touchy for certain people and not everyone was willing to say such information to a stranger. He shifted a little to make himself more comfortable before stuffing his hands into the pockets of the light jacket he wore. "Honestly, I'm glad for the opportunity. It'll be fun." Well, at least Luvaine hoped it would be. Mist didn't seem like a bad person at all, he appreciated her company out here. Chant whinnied from where he was cantering around before trotting over to the fence to greet the new person who had arrived. The stallion leaned his head down a little bit to nose her, before lifting his head up again quickly and flicking his ears. "Sorry about Chant. He's pretty nosy, but he doesn't bite. Feel free to shove his face away if he invades your space." Luvaine chuckled a little, reaching over to pat him on the neck.
Mallow Grove Stables || Roleplay Thread || OPEN August 14, 2023 11:07 PM

Ink Splash
Posts: 572
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Peter Nevernight || Male || 37 || At the Firelight (Desti) || Mentions: Cindy

Peter watched everyone leave the common room before finally leaving himself, heading over to his office where he had put his phone so he could focus all his attention on the people who gathered here. It would be unfair to them after all if he asked for them to come only to pay them little to no mind at all. With matters resolved for the time being, he was able to gather his thoughts a little bit. Breakfast was something he would have to plan, though it would probably be pancakes and some fried eggs. He would have to keep a bowl of fruit out in case anyone got peckish, and would have to eventually ask everyone for snack and meal preferences to make sure everyone got at least something close to what they liked. That didn't matter for now, however, as he had someone he had to call. Quickly, he picked up his phone and scrolled until he found Cindy's contact number and dialed her, waiting for a little before it went to voice message. "Hey Cindy, this is Peter. Desti has been acting a little strange and I was wondering if you could come over and give her a quick checkup? Anytime tomorrow would work. Call me back, thanks." Peter put his phone in his pocket after that and stretched before sitting down. He needed to get through some files and busy work before he could turn in for the night. He quickly glanced at his clock, reading 8:30 PM. Peter sighed before scooting his chair closer to his desk, prepared to get focused on the task at hand.

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