
West chuckled, seeing both baby's face plant. He walked a little closer, watching, then perked his ears and turned his head as he heard a laugh. He saw another mare, watching the race same as him. "Maybe I should lure a group of deer in here... bet these foals have never had the pleasure of playing with a deer." He murmured, laughing at the thought
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Phantom jumped a little at the sound of laughing, she was unaware someone else was watching the foals too. She'd look over seeing it was the lead it made her feel less bad about laughing since he also thought it was funny. Looked back out the valley feeling bored again but suddenly looked back at West getting an idea.

The stallion watched the foals, amused. He relaxed slightly, letting a back hoof bend on the ground. His tail swished against his side, his pelt twitching as he waited
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She would prance over to him with her long mane bouncing all over along with her tail, she wasn't sure if it was the best idea to challenge the lead but it was better than being bored. She'd get up beside him stepping in place to keep her legs warmed up "Hey there!" Phantom looked at him, her sapphire eyes twinkling "Wanna race?"

West turned his head, looking at the mare who was prancing up to him. He listened to what she had to say, then smiled brightly. "I would love to... but don't expect anything special. I'm all brawn and no speed." He chuckled slightly, walking easily over to a tall tree. He glanced around, looking at another tall tree about a quarter of a mile away. He gestured to the tree. "Race to there, sound good?" He asked, stretching a back leg
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She'd laugh slightly "Well that just makes it easier for me to beat you!" Phantom smiled at him then followed West over to the tree. She'd listen to him and look at the finish line "Yeah that sounds good! Just don't hurt yourself will losing okay?" She'd give a playful smirk before eyeing the end point "I'm ready when your ready"

He nodded, rolling his eyes. "Ready, set, go." He said, taking off. With all his muscle his acceleration rate was off the charts. He went from 0 to 35 MPH in a second. West took a breath, propelling his body forward with giant lurches. It wasn't the best way to run... but it sent him forward in giant leaps.
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Phanton took off not going as fast as she could, she was a bit suprised by how the stallion was galloping but if it works it works. She picked up her speed a bit to match West galloping side by side with him. Phantom would side eye him "Take it easy! Like I said don't hurt yourself!" Once she finished that sentence she went from 35mph-50mph kicking up chunks of grass her hooves pounded the ground

West snorted, seeing her run forward and pass him easily. He grinned, knowing he would lose... but he knew how to make it spectacular. In the last couple of feet he launched himself forward, looking like a grey bullet. He landed heavily... rolling onto the ground and standing back up, landing it perfectly. West grinned, taking a bow. "Nice race, winner." He said quietly rising back up with a huff. He was winded... for sure, but he had finished amazingly
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Phantom came to a skidding halt at the finish line turning around to flaunt her victory to her suprise she watched West launching forward and rolling his way over the finish line. She tried holding back a laugh but she couldn'lt contain it, she busted out laughing "Oh my gosh that was amazing!" She said through laughs. Once Phantom calmed down she continued talking "Well thank you!" She'd come up beside him and nudge him "Not bad youself mr. slow" Phantom would smile brightly feeling like a filly again