
"Do I wanna RACE?! Of course I want to race!" Moon squeeled, shaking her mane. "Where?" Moon looked around as if a place to race would pop up with a giant sign saying 'Start' on it.

West's eyes twinkled as he watched the pair of young horses. He glanced around, then turned his gaze back to the horses. West wished he could provide them with something to do.. and he would have loved to go outside of the valley.. but It was winter. He tried to think of what he played when he was a colt
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Aurora tail swished more wildly now but from excitement "Mmmm from here to..." He'd scan the valley stopping to stare at the exit of it "to the end of the valley!" He'd pop a tiny rear being happy, he'd turn to face the end of the valley

"Fun! Ready when you are!" Moon turned towards the valley's end as well, flexing her legs and back.

Phantom turned around looking at the herd unsure if she wanted to go back down to them or just lay at the top for some peace and quiet. She made her decision laying down just wanting some quiet, Phantom like quiet to made everything seem peaceful and so much better escpecially since the herd could get loud sometimes

West flicked his ears. H e paced a little further, getting ready to watch the race. He smiled slightly, wishing he could race, run, and play like them. A slightly sad sigh escaped from him as he wished he wasn't a grown up stallion... at least he was in his prime time.
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Aurora side eyed the filly making sure she didn't cheat a headstart "Ready... Set.... GO!" He'd take off like a horse out of the gate galloping as fast as he could. His legs were fully extended with every stride looking as if he was floating as he ran

Moon focused on the valley's sides, center, and back, and when Aurora said 'GO' she dug her back hooves into the ground and leapt forward, wind whipping her mane and tail in a frenzied whiplash.

Moon couldn't help but smile,she loved the feel of running, whether from danger or just for fun, it was her favoraite thing to do.

Aurora didn't want to look back in fear it would slow him down, as the valley's end got nearer he'd push harder into the ground sending dirt flying into the air