
Moon used her best tactic: Distaraction. "So," She panted as she let out another burst of speed. "How old are you? I'm 2... I think."

Aurora's face looked stone cold yet inside he felt happy he loved the feeling of the wind flying by him, he felt free. Aurora was so close to the valley's end as he yelled "I'M GOING TO BEAT-" His sentence was cut short by him yet tripping again face planting in the ground. He could feel the filly's thundering hooves fly past him as was trying to get himself together

Aurora stood back up taking off again trying to gain his ground again. He'd let out a small snort but answered her question "I'm 1 and a half" Edited at April 15, 2023 04:15 PM by The Ghost Barn

Out of the corner of her eye, Moon saw the colt trip over a jagged rock and sprawl onto the grass. Moon wondered whether she should go back and help him, but before she could make up her mind, her left front hoof caught on a root and she face-planted into the hard-packed dirt. Edited at April 15, 2023 04:15 PM by Galloping Stables

Thankfully, she had tripped after she crossed the finish line.

Moon's hoof hurt, but she ignored it, gathered herself and stood, walking over to Aurora.

His tail swished wildly while he threw his head in a bit of frustration -Why couldn't I have tripped over the finish line!!- He'd think to himself as he slowed down to a trot. As he got up to her he'd ask "Are you okay??" His face emotionless but his eyes filled with worry

Phantom looked up to see both of the foals face plant into the ground, laughing a bit but still looking at them to make sure they we're both fine. She remembered when she was younger and liked challenging the other foals to races

"I'm okay, but are you fine?" Moon asked Aurora, looking down at his hooves. (Gotta go, post later!)

(kk) "Yeah I'm fine" Aurora stopmed his hooves as he walked off "Play with ya later filly!" He was a bit mad about not winning the race but there wasn't much he could do about so he went to get a drink from a stream