They sell for a big price $$$$$
Valhalla Acreage
02:52:08 Eivor
I bravery breed and I'm trying to get rare colors on them as well
Valhalla Acreage
02:51:42 Eivor
I have way more with color
Valhalla Acreage
02:51:15 Eivor
Fair enough I don't have the privilege yet
Intresting horse you have there Valhalla. Crazy nice color though.
Dark Shadows Estate
02:50:42 Bazz
Eivor - that too haha but I just use my SD E flop colts as my geldings
Hot 2 Trot
02:50:21 ♡Holly♡
Soo cutee!
Hot 2 Trot
02:49:52 ♡Holly♡
Oki I might wait a little before fully start buying a ton of showing horses as I love to have everything organised so gonna get another barn one of these days.
Indigo looks like he'd be a fine jumper
Valhalla Acreage
02:49:23 Eivor
Bazz or just get PPP horses
Valhalla Acreage
02:48:44 Eivor
-HEE Click-
Color bomb
My pleasure smile smile
Dark Shadows Estate
02:48:15 Bazz
SD make good Show horses too but try to get E in either Jumping or Cross county because dressage are basically useless once they hit level 10.
Hot 2 Trot
02:47:16 ♡Holly♡
Thanks Rio :)
Wow colorfull horse you got there hot 2 trot.
Hot 2 Trot
02:46:01 ♡Holly♡
Oki then
I'll buy a ton of PPP+ and train them up. Thanks!
Aurorae Sport Horses
02:45:17 Hawk// ASH <3
Generally PPP plus
Thanks, he was cheap being sold from Grove Acres.
Aurorae Sport Horses
02:45:00 Hawk// ASH <3
I train them first but yes
Hot 2 Trot
02:44:13 ♡Holly♡
Just random colts and show them no matter their rating?
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Belle View Equestrian | Thread | Open October 27, 2021 08:59 PM
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Hannah|instructer| m Brooke
ace wagged his tail at Brooke "hi! I'm Hannah its nice to meet you I'm one of the new trainers but was never told what I'm assigned at my horse is raven" she said smiling at Brooke
Belle View Equestrian | Thread | Open October 27, 2021 09:42 PM
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Catherine Bergman || Student || M: Girls in the Arena (briefly) , any
She took the new boughs of bustling conversation between the growing group to take her to leave. Tamlin was stretched and ready for the day and so she would take this opportunity to tack him up and warm her own muscles.
Cat delighted in the movement the property held as students warmed up and horses whickered and stamped from within paddocks, stalls, and the sides of their patient masters. It was a beautiful cacophony of sounds to listen to and she found great mirth in the symphony of noise as she entered the barn once more.
She claimed a set of cross ties, leaving Tam there to retrieve whatever tack she found suited the day best. When she returned to the equine she carried the same ebony tack set from the day before, the only variation being sage green polo wraps that matched the embroidered saddle pad, they all fit carefully in her slim arms, a snaffle bridle was slung over her shoulder, german delicately etched into the earpieces that tapped her back in a quiet myriad.
As she tacked the dapple she hummed a quiet song and offered the gelding a private performance that his ears twitched and replied too joyfully.
When her work was done she took a step back to admire it. She had painted the gelding once when they had first met. The acrylic work now sat untouched beneath her bed in the cottage. It had been a still of him in a paddock in Washington, his ivory head haloed by the dawn light setting beneath the Olympic range.
She thought quietly about updating it, painting him with the Rockies ringing his strong body and a proud poll that he now raised to study her in turn. Her mind flashed to a pair of ebony-haired siblings and how interesting of a study they would be. Her head cocked and the image dissipated like smoke on the water.
With that, she was mounted and leading the gelding to the indoor for a warmup lap, this time as a team and not just the beast working the end of a lunge line.
Belle View Equestrian | Thread | Open October 29, 2021 07:06 PM
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Rose|rider|m Luna,major
rose cantered major around smiling feeling happier than ever she had a huge grin with the wind in her face the feel of her horse under her the feel of her hair in the wind the feel of just feeling free that's what she missed that's what she needed but she kept getting the urged to self-harm she had been doing it for years she needed to stop but she just cant stop...
Belle View Equestrian | Thread | Open October 30, 2021 04:28 AM

Aspen Fire ES
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Heather Proudstorm | 17 | Beginner | Eventing Student | Nightmare "Prince" | Mentions: Any

Heather would be lunging her Hanoverian gelding around the arena while Toby was now snoozing under some shade. Prince was trotting around the young girl in a circle as he tossed his head in a playful way, holding his tail high a bit. The brunette softly grinned, holding back a laugh from the gelding's silly behavior.

Toby would wake up from his snooze before raising his head, looking over at the equine and the young girl. The German Shepherd stood up before wondering off to go do his business.

The brunette moved her feet to follow the equine's footsteps as it felt like an unspoken dance between them. Once she was ready, Heather carefully went in front of the drive line. Taking a step back to invite the tall gelding into her space which the equine has turned to face her, his head quite low as he made his way into her space before standing in front of the girl. She gently smiled at her horse before softly stroking his muscular neck, her fingers gently brushing his black coat.

Edited at November 1, 2021 11:58 PM by Aspen Fire ES
Belle View Equestrian | Thread | Open October 30, 2021 07:22 AM

Riven Equine
Posts: 441
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raven, please do not bring up self-harm in this RP. It's against HEE rules, and could make others feels uncomfortable.

ravens heaven said:
Rose|rider|m Luna,major
rose cantered major around smiling feeling happier than ever she had a huge grin with the wind in her face the feel of her horse under her the feel of her hair in the wind the feel of just feeling free that's what she missed that's what she needed but she kept getting the urged to self-harm she had been doing it for years she needed to stop but she just cant stop...

Belle View Equestrian | Thread | Open October 31, 2021 10:04 AM

Prismatic Cove
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Anthea Moss | Female | 18 | Beginner | Mentions: Heather directly, Others.
Anthea ran over to the round pen where she'd fallen and grabbed the halter of the friesian who'd dumped her over.
She jumped over the fence and came over to the stallion, he was running in circles. She grabbed his halter, then the lead that was swinging near his pastern. Singing the gate open to march him back to the barn. She stallion running, a cantering stallion in tow, the slowed down and went to the place where she had seen Brooke tacking her horse and tied up Florian.
Desperate times, call for desperate measures. YouTube may have saved her today, she had finished grooming him and tackinh him in roughly 20 minutes, she was however late.
She grabbed the bridle strap and looked around. Then there was a somewhat fancy looking building, she had to admit it was clean and good looking for the age it probably had. She noticed it getting busy over there so she approached it and saw a little sign in the entrance that said, "Indoor Arena". Easy enough. She walked Florian in, not a lot of people were there but there was some activity. She noticed a brunette with a black gelding spinning around her, she wandered over, to the girl, remembering that she was the one with a dog, he wasn't anywhere in sight though. "Hello!" She said, accidently playing a brittish accent that she didn't have. "Oh- oops I mean hello." She correcting herself and fiddled with Florian's silky long mane, being embarrassed. She didn't feel her shoulder much now, it had scabbard over but it was still visible, very visible. She braided his mane quickly, she had practice with her own hair, she undid it and repeated it a few times, waiting for a response from the girl.
Belle View Equestrian | Thread | Open November 2, 2021 10:36 AM

Aspen Fire ES
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Heather Proudstorm | 17 | Beginner | Eventing Student | Nightmare "Prince" | Mentions: Anthea, Others

As she was lunging the gelding the other way in a trot, staying behind the drive line as she moved her feet. She heard Anthea's voice which caught her attention, glancing over at the other student before giving a friendly smile. "Oh Hey." She responded to the woman. Prince tossed his head a bit, giving out another one of his playful bucks while he kept going around his owner in circles.

"I don't think I've properly met you before. I'm Heather. Pleasure to meet you. and this is my gelding, Prince." Toby would be laying back down by a tree, staying under the shade. "and The other one over there is my dog, Toby." She said while multitasking between working with her horse while carrying on the conversation. "Your horse is really gorgeous by the way." She said this, meaning it as a compliment.

Edited at November 2, 2021 11:48 AM by Aspen Fire ES
Belle View Equestrian | Thread | Open November 2, 2021 01:35 PM

Prismatic Cove
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Anthea Moss | Female | 18 | Beginner | Mentions: Heather Directly, others.
Anthea leaned against the stallion and brushed her hand under his chin. A smile crossed her face "Well then, hello Heather!" She looked at The black gelding, then she glanced at the dog. "And Prince.. My name is Anthea, I don't think we've met, this is Florian." She said, patting his neck softly. "What are you training.. wait that's not how you say it." She thought for a hot second. "What's your dicipline?" She corrected herself and chuckled at her mistake.
She quietly braided Florian's mane, somehow creating a pattern down his neck that resembled three A's.
Belle View Equestrian | Thread | Open November 2, 2021 01:45 PM

Aspen Fire ES
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Heather Proudstorm | 17 | Beginner | Eventing Student | Nightmare "Prince" | Mentions: Anthea, Open

Heather gently smiled at the other girl once more, when she finally got done lunging the tall equine, she stepped in front of his drive line as he slowed to a halt. Prince came into her space again as he saw that she invited him again. Toby stayed right where he is, his tail is just wagging while he pants, enjoying both the attention and the relaxation.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Athena." Heather politely said, letting her smile faltered a bit as she pets the gelding's neck a bit. When she heard her ask her about what's her Discipline. "I do Eventing." The brunette kindly said with a polite tone to her voice. She carefully unclips the lead from her gelding's halter as she let's him walk around the round pen a bit, he had his head lower as he sniffs the sand covered ground. He has pawed at some spots that he stopped at a few times as he was obviously looking for somewhere to roll.

Belle View Equestrian | Thread | Open November 3, 2021 07:20 AM

Riven Equine
Posts: 441
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(Sorry for the late post! I will be picking up speed for the next few days)

Brooke Camden | Student | M: All

Brooke had been in the arena talking with some of the girls but made her way to the grooming stalls to tack up Red for their lesson. She wasn't technically going to be learning what the new people would be, she was just going to help out Joslyn with physically showing students what to do if they became confused. After finally placing the figure-eight bridle on the Dutch Warmblood, the ebony-haired female took this last moment to admire her mare. They had come a long ways with their work and Brooke would be lying if she said she wasn't proud of Red.

Her attention slipped to students that were milling about and she briefly wondered if any of them were ready for their first lesson today. As that thought went through her mind a crackle sounded once again and Joslyn's voice came from the surrounding speakers. "Attention students, a reminder that lessons start in ten minutes now. Meet in the indoor with your instructor for more details."

Now filled with excitement, Brooke gently grabbed the fine leather reins of Red's bridle and led her down the aisle. Crisp footsteps echoed in the barn and she listened to her mare's heavy steps as she walked. She loved the sound of hoofbeats, it brought back memories of being a child and having her first pony.

When she rounded the corner to enter the indoor, they bumbed into Alden with his gelding in tow. She appraised Chance with her eyebrow quirked. "You're riding western today? How odd." At least he could ride with Keelan, she had to stop herself from swooning at the thought of him and snickered to herself. Her brother just rolled his eyes at her antics and followed along behind her. Once they were inside the large building, Brooke took note that they were not the first ones to arrive. She saw Alden grin at Catherine in greeting and she shot him a look. If she didn't know any better...

Deciding to brush off her brother's weird behavior, she took Red over to the mounting block and hoisted herself into the saddle with as much grace as she could muster, which she thought was very little. She waved at the girl warming up and debated on joining her, but Red had already been lunged and that was usually enough for the mare to behave. Brooke heard laughter, her head snapped to the side so fast she almost gave herself whiplash. Her hand went to the back of her neck and rubbed it tenderly, but she watched Joslyn walk into the arena.

The woman was wearing a light grey t-shirt and a slim dark green vest, paired with her form fitting tan jumping pants, and dark brown riding boots, she was definitely back to her usual self today. Brooke smiled at her longtime instructor, then turned her focus to Alden who was now fighting with his gelding to make it to the mounting block. She laughed out loud before she could catch herself and her brother threw a glare at her over his shoulder. A smirk now lay on her face from her enjoyment. Now, they just had to wait for more students to gather, then the lesson could start.

Edited at November 3, 2021 07:22 AM by Riven Equine

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