California Valley
03:40:08 Cali | Kale | Calz
Wait for Kyo straws
03:40:06 Wixy / Azi <3
-HEE Click- Rerolling was a good choice.
The Joker
03:39:52 Ari <3
Do I wait for Kyou straws to go up and breed all at once or just start with my first match?
Dark Shadows Estate
03:38:32 Bazz
Waiting on broods before I can start breeding!
Sun Rain Stables
03:38:08 Sun
-HEE Click- RO usually doesnt go this well for me. WEE 1/49?
-HEE Click- Finally a somewhat decent mare
MakeEm Fancy
03:37:44 Ally 💜
Thank you echo!
Foggy Forest Stables
03:36:24 General Foggy!
-HEE Click-
Amethyst Ranch
03:36:19 Echo <3
Ooo Ally! He's gorgeous, congratulations <3
-HEE Click- This baby is one that im real excited for even though at A is gonna hurt
MakeEm Fancy
03:35:46 Ally 💜
-HEE Click-
03:35:23 Crowley | Myth
Hope over to Grimmore...
SilverFern Stables
03:35:21 Fern
Anyone know when Thunda is usually on?
All i keep getting are APE's. But its fine since i put horses in shows
Altaire Acres
03:33:21 Grimm(us)
Should I reroll him a little more or keep him like this?
-HEE Click-
California Valley
03:33:19 Cali | Kale | Calz
Such a good RO for me so far. First time breeding 2 WWWs in one month too 😂
-HEE Click-
-HEE Click-
Anduin Acres
03:32:48 Hem
I think I have to give up the wait and go to bed. Good luck yall!
Valhalla Acreage
03:32:25 Eivor
-HEE Click-
Names for her
Bingus Acres
03:31:26 Bin/Bingus
Ooh Sun are you selling straws to Tesoro? Or did I miss that boat already lol

He matches my EWW girl pretty well o.o
03:30:38 Ceci / (Call me) AL
-HEE Click-

And why are you not a filly :(
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NightClan X Belle December 4, 2022 12:40 PM

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Anya gave a light smile and watched from her spot on the bed as she left before rolling over and curling up herself. She was tired... oddly so, and it wasn't all that late yet. Still, she closed her eyes and curled the blanket around herself contently. She'd probably end up getting back in the shower to like, actually shower later on. She was happy though... content. She'd probably go back to see Sage and Atticus for a bit in the morning. She did like the baby... he was cute, and playful, and he had definitely grown on her.
NightClan X Belle December 4, 2022 01:25 PM
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Att was more than content to bounce around on the way back to Sage's room, though he did start to whine when Sage set him down on the couch. He was hungry...Sage knew that, and he knew what each little noise the boy made by now meant. "i know, I know, I'm working on it," he grumbled, reaching for a bottle of milk. He supposed he should think about starting the boy on solid foods at least a little bit soon, though for now he was content to just give the boy a bottle. He sat down next to the boy, picking him up and setting him in his lap as the lad grabbed at the bottle with a happy coo of delight.
NightClan X Belle December 4, 2022 01:43 PM

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Anya closed her eyes, and soon enough the girl did fall into a bit of a light sleep. She was, quite frankly, exauhsted. There wasn't really any reason for it, she didn't think, but she wasn't going to fight sleep. She managed to sleep for about half an hour before getting up and forcing herself back into the shower to actually clean off. In truth, she pretty much just stood there and let the water run over her before wandering out to towl off again. She probably had something to do... see to her mother, or round Luther up, but she was more than content to just sit and read a book or something... if anyone needed her, then they'd come and find her.
NightClan X Belle December 4, 2022 01:59 PM
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Sage sat with Att, letting the boy drink the milk he gave him and was going to send the boy to his crib for a nap, but the boy seemed to have plenty of energy now. And Sage, quite frankly, did not. He let Att wander around the room and play, though he kept an eye on the boy just in case. He had cleaned his room up, so other than the pile of blankets and a few pillows scattered around, Att couldn't get into anything. Unless he figured out how to climb and open drawers, which was a bit of a worry since he was quite obviously smart. Eventually, though, Att grew tired and crawled back over to Sage. He picked the boy up, and the lad curled up next to him to fall asleep. Sage smiled and decided to try and draw the boy, though he only got about halfway done before he fell asleep himself, curled up with Att and the paper on his face and pencil in his hand, which was dangling over the side of the couch.
NightClan X Belle December 4, 2022 02:31 PM

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Anya eventually wandered back towards her bed and grabbed a book to read for a while before eventually drifting back off to sleep again. She managed a dreamless sleep through the night, though much to her disappointment ended up waking up stupidly early in the morning. Oh well, it meant she could get more done and have the day to herself to do whatever she so pleased. She was still tired, but it wasn't likely that she'd end up getting back to sleep. She rolled out of bed ad got changed into something more comfortable before wandering down the halls like a she was only half alive. God, she was exhausted. She wandered towards her mother's type of office, and surprisingly when she got there the woman was already hard at work. She was chucked a stack of paper to go through and sign, and when she was done the woman just shooed her off again. Well... at least that meant she was done for the day, and she could do whatever for the time being. But just ended up wandering around the castle, seemingly aimlessly.
NightClan X Belle December 4, 2022 02:43 PM
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Sage slept for a good least, what he considered a good while with a still-nursing baby curled up against him. Though, it seemed like the times Att was waking up at night to eat were becoming fewer and fewer, and he was eating more in a sitting which was good. Getting woken up by the boy was still a common recurrence, though, and by the time morning rolled around Sage pretty much fed the boy and crashed again, the half done drawing still laying on him and the pencil still in his hand. He would have set it to the side if he'd noticed, but when he was woken up like this, all that was going through his mind was shoving a bottle at Att and going back to sleep once he knew the boy would settle back down. He loved the boy, but being woken up a gazillion times a night was definitely not something he'd missed. He didn't sleep much anyway, but this was...almost a bit exessive. He did love caring for the boy though, and the joy hte lad gave him more than made up for the sleepless nights.
NightClan X Belle December 4, 2022 03:35 PM

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After walking around the castle for what seemed hours (though was only around ten minutes), the girl passed Sage's room and just stared at it for a moment... it was still early, and she didn't really want to disrupt him if he was sleeping, and he was probably tired if the child didn't sleep so easy. She rolled her eyes before deciding to go and check in on him, but when she peeked through the door he was flat out with a paper on his chest and a pencil in his hand, along with Att curled up at his side. A weary smile tugged at her lips before quietly wandering in and gently closing the door so as not to wake him. She quietly padded over to where he was laying and took the pen and pencil from him, placing the pencil on the side table and taking a quick look at the drawing of Atticus. She could tell he wasn't done yet, but it did look good, just like the rest of his drawings. She smiled softly at it before placing it back down on the side and going to pick a blanket that'd been piled up in the corner and throwing it over the boy... it was nice to see he'd cleaned up a little. It meant Att wouldn't get himself into too much trouble.
NightClan X Belle December 4, 2022 03:43 PM
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Surprisingly, Sage didn't stir when the girl took the pencil and paper from him and wrapped him up in a blanket. Normally he was a light sleeper, and any other time he'd have woken up by now. Maybe he was just really, really tired. Att did stir however, and looked up at the girl with a tiny little whine for food and reaching his arms up to be held. Admittedly, Sage had spoiled the boy a bit, but he deserved with everything that had happened to him, and he was adorable and funny so it would have been super hard not to. Even with that, Sage didn't move...even when Att crawled over him to reach out for the girl again with a slightly louder garbled string of words coming from his mouth.
NightClan X Belle December 4, 2022 04:12 PM

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Anya cocked her head slightly when the baby reached his hands out to her, but she soon figured out what he was after and gave a soft smile before murmuring a gentle "hey," to the child before scooping him up in her arms and wandering over to grab a bottle for him. He wrapped his little hands around hers and made a soft coo as he latched onto the bottle. She could only smile a little wider at this before propping the boy up onto her hip and perching on the end of the bed. Well, at least he hadn't woken Sage up... he was normally the lighter sleeper out of the two, so for him not to notice her coming in, he must have been really tired... Att, on the other hand, seemed to be buzzing.
NightClan X Belle December 4, 2022 04:23 PM
Posts: 12604
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Sage stayed asleep as Att drank his milk...the boy seemed to like Anya too, and once he was done drinking, he looked up at the girl with a happy gurgle and rested up against her for a moment before looking over at Sage and cocking his head as if wondering what he was doing and why he wasn't always awake with him to play. Sage, of course missed the look, though when the boy scrambled over to flop on top of him and whack his face, he groaned and grabbed the boy to curl up around him without opening his eyes. Att stilled, playing with the corner of the blanket, content to be curled up with Sage, even if Sage had already fallen back asleep.

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