Pandora's Garden
02:27:48 Panda, Pandy
Hello chat!! I'm not sure if this would be better suited for the forums or not.
How long did it take you guys to figure out what you wanted to do with your account?
I'm not very active here, and I pop in every now and then to keep my account going, but I was planning to try and get more into this lol
Full Stride Farm
02:27:35 Buckeye!
to be fair, if you want to succeed in showing AND be a good horseman, it should always be about proper training, proper riding and ASKING the horse in a way they understand and give you want you are looking for in the ride/performance.

And a horse needs direction from its rider. Gosh knows I have had to fix way too many spoiled horses who had people not *telling them what to do* for lack of a better phrase.

The round pen ruined horses are the worst. gah
Hummingbird Meadows
02:27:32 Hummer
I actually haven't fallen off very much. The few times I have weren't easy falls though. I bruised my ribs once.
Prancing Pony Stable
02:27:31 Rain / PPS
riding English isn't just about showing for some riders its more about teamwork and trust that creates a huge bond
Wraithcry Farm
02:27:08 Celeste 🌕
We do that at my barn hummer. It is the opposite here- all our local rodeo people care about is winning buckles and getting as many students as possible to win buckles.
Starleaf Stables
02:26:58 Flare <3
God Ive fallen many times, only 3-4 serious though, thankfully.
Malikova Madness
02:26:02 Amber
I mean I don't show/compete my horses
They are show/compete ready because I lease them out to people for a competition or show etc
I keep them in top condition but if I'm riding them or working with them, it's just me and them having fun
Hummingbird Meadows
02:23:56 Hummer
I got tired of the focus being showing when I rode english so I switched to western. Now I actually work on bonding with my horse, rather than just telling them what to do.
Prancing Pony Stable
02:21:52 Rain / PPS
I have ridden English for my whole life it gets really easy I changed to western so I can try something new
Malikova Madness
02:21:39 Amber
I don't ride western and I keep forgetting there are different brands of western saddles
I'm just like yeah it's a western saddle what do you mean what brand 😂
Wraithcry Farm
02:20:11 Celeste 🌕
My western is a crate (that is the only writing I can find on it)
But English saddle will depend. Instructor is helping me there, and she knows what to get.
The Old Gods
02:19:59 Void Malign
It is what it is. I expected something to pop up in my 30s, based on the rest of my family and it did. I have a good doctor and I manage the symptoms...Which is mostly just my joints being pieces of shit
Full Stride Farm
02:19:48 Buckeye!
I cannot even name all the saddle brands I have, though I do love my Custom Dressage, my Reinsman reiner, my Bates Dressage, and my Prestige monoflap jumping saddles. Those are my favs.
Best fits for multi horses and most comfy and need not fight for proper position when riding in them
Full Stride Farm
02:18:15 Buckeye!
well that sucks even more Void. So sorry
Malikova Madness
02:17:47 Amber
I love a Santa cruz saddle
If I can have one that fits my horse, I'll have it
But I do also like a Trufmasters saddle too which I have for two of my horses
Santa cruz suits Flynn perfectly while Darya and Harry are ridden in turfmasters
Wraithcry Farm
02:17:41 Celeste 🌕
I have fallen but not often. Even as a complete beginner. I only have had one seriously bad fall. And I am back in the saddle shortly after
*Rising Stars TBs*
02:17:15 Star / Sarah
Anyone watching Eurovision Song Contest??
The Old Gods
02:17:03 Void Malign
Mine aren't old 🙃 I was just (un)lucky enough to have chronic health problems
Full Stride Farm
02:15:12 Buckeye!
old funky joints are no fun, and mine are def old
Prancing Pony Stable
02:14:41 Rain / PPS
To be honest me and my mares came so far together ever since I was 3 I will say horse riding has become a second nature and a passion I not only grown over the years as a rider but my mares has grow to I love them so much I wouldn't trade them or our memories together for the world <333
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The Bachelors Competition | RP Thread | OPEN October 28, 2021 10:52 PM

Fancy Elites
Posts: 583
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Riptide | Stallion | "Hurricane" | The Duo | M: Laufey, Torbjorn, Poko briefly
Riptide was making steady progress to the back of the herd. He stopped briefly, seeing another, bigger stallion approach with a filly. Oh, no. This herd is Loki and I's. He continued on at a brisk pace, but stopped when something large rammed into him. It wasn't a hard enough ram to end up on the ground, but he was still veered off his path. What the- He snorted, challenging whoever dared run into him. He saw it was the rather large stallion. Riptide sized him up and had deduced he was a little taller than him. Gee, thanks, Laufey. Really appreciate you leaving the big meatball to me. He studied the stallion's markings and size. Mmm. Heard about you before, big meatball. You must be the Beast of the Plains. Eh, I prefer big meatball. It fits much better.
Thalia | Mare | M: Aztec, The Duo, Torbjorn, Poko
Thalia watched as the two lone bachelors moved towards them, one of them splitting up and circling around to the back. Another, bigger, stallion approaches the herd, a little filly in front of him. The stallion moved in front of the filly for a moment. Thalia pinned her ears, Aztec was now prancing at the front of the herd, clearly trying to appear as a stallion.
(Time skip to where we are now- Too lazy to type everything out + I'm tired-)
Thalia helped in pushing Poko to the middle of the group and stepped forward, being in one of the lines right behind Aztec. Nobody's getting taken today.

Edited at October 29, 2021 09:38 AM by Fancy Elites
The Bachelors Competition | RP Thread | OPEN October 29, 2021 09:35 AM
HLS Mustang Ranch
Posts: 2317
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River/"Runaway"/Lone/Mare/M - the herd, The Duo
River saw that one of the mares saw her and she quietly troted back down the hill. She was happy that The Duo didn't see her but she hope that the herd could exscape from the stallions. She went down to the stream again and drank some more.
The Bachelors Competition | RP Thread | OPEN October 29, 2021 01:48 PM

Lunar Eclipse
Posts: 1152
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Laufey | Stallion | “The Trickster” | The Duo | M: Aztec, Herd, Riptide

Laufey glared after the mare, rolling back to his feet and moving away from the herd. He shook himself off, clearly pissed, though mostly for letting himself be tricked. I suppose thats what I get for getting carried away. Nearly having his stomach stomped in was hardly prevalent in his mind, instead he was scolding himself and trying to not be lured in by the challenge. Her size gave her an advantage, which was that she could fairly easily knock him over as she’d proven. Yet he had the patience and stubbornness to not give up so easily, set on getting a victory out of this, no matter how small. He almost wanted to try and capture the mare, except he found more joy in the prospect of taking her confidence down a notch.

He knew she thought she was winning, and in truth she was. She needed to make a mistake, then the tides could turn in his favor. For now he needed to wait until she made that mistake, keeping a close eye on the mare in case she made another move. He kept his distance, staying far enough that he’d have ample time to dodge an attack, walking in a semi-circle around his side of the herd. He avoided the other side, not risking the herd running away or getting dragged into Riptide’s conflict with the shire. Instead he focused on searching for weaknesses within the herd, certain they were not all as confident as their protector.

The Bachelors Competition | RP Thread | OPEN October 29, 2021 02:16 PM

Prismatic Cove
Posts: 3231
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Aztec | Herd Mare | "Undefeated" | Mentions: Laufey, Riptide, Thalia, Torbjorn.
Aztec was careful to keep him blocked from the herd. With Thalia by her side she was way stronger then Laufey and could probably fend off Riptide too, then the Shire, which means destruction upon them. She would and could do it if needed. With a slick curve, she parted from the herd and circled around the littler animal. Inching closer, pushing him further out from the herd.
She wondered how it would feel to have your hooves kicked or stomped on, she tried it on Laufey. Kicking his left back hoof from the back, she bolted back to the herd, hoping he would lose his temper, then she could find his weakness.
The Bachelors Competition | RP Thread | OPEN October 29, 2021 02:40 PM

Caaldir Equestrian
Posts: 412
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Torbjorn | Lone Bachelor | M: Herd, Riptide
Torbjorn stands rather proud, watching the opposing stallion as the Shire protects his side of the group. His ears flick forward then back, head raising with his front half before crashing down, paces away from the opponent. With a husky voice, seemingly worn from years, he calls out the the horse, "Leave now and no pain shall fall upon you or your friend."
The Bachelors Competition | RP Thread | OPEN October 29, 2021 10:11 PM
Former Stable
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fox| lone mare|metions:none
Fox walked around she tossed her head in the air, of course, there were small herds of some horses and some lone horses like her self she stood on a large hill her mane flowing in the wind she lifted her head to smell the air.
she lowered her head, at times she would see some horses that didn't look safe but who was she to judge? She's a mare with no herd and no one to keep her safe.

Edited at October 29, 2021 10:13 PM by ravens heaven
The Bachelors Competition | RP Thread | OPEN October 30, 2021 08:56 AM

Lunar Eclipse
Posts: 1152
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Laufey | Stallion | “The Trickster” | The Duo | M: Aztec, Herd

Laufey didn’t engage Aztec as she circled, letting himself be pushed away as he tried to anticipate the mare’s next move. He hadn’t expected the blow to his hoof, stumbling as he lost balance on his back half. He quickly recovered and spun about to try and land a returning blow, however the mare was out of reach by the time he did. He snorted his frustration, though kept his temper check. Be patient, you’ll get your chance. Soon enough he had returned to his original distance from the herd before being pushed away, but prepared to kick out if the mare came anywhere near him. She was testing him and he knew it, same as he was trying to do to her. If anything it was a battle of attrition, one he was confident he could win.

He changed direction quickly without warning, bolting straight for the herd but peeling away quickly after with a kick towards them but not making contact. He didn’t stay in the area long, going back to his previous distance from the herd, eyes staying focused on the mare in preparation for a retaliation.

The Bachelors Competition | RP Thread | OPEN October 30, 2021 09:15 AM

Prismatic Cove
Posts: 3231
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Aztec | Herd Mare | "Undefeated" | Mentions: Laufey.
Aztec's best skipped a beat when he charged, she snapped out and nipped his flank but this time she stayed at the herd. A battle of wits I suppose. I do have the size advantage, and we'll see about the cunning. She flooded herself with attack ideas, then figured none would work, because he's prepared and waiting. At this point, she called upon doing something strange.
Aztec started walking upto Laufey, her head low as she walked closer, the distance closed between them, she batted her eyes and stared into his, replicating the seductive process. You are a fool if you fall for this. She flipped her mane to one side. Letting it topple over when she tipped her head and reached out to him.
Feliz | Herd Mare | Mentions: Poko, Teluva, The Duo, Torbjorn.
The intentions of The Duo are unmistakable, the wrath upon the mares of the plains, is something that one can never forget. Feliz looked down at the foal beside her, it was shaking. She could tell this filly wasn't of the shire's blood.
Her head popped up when she say Teluva, she hadn't been around in a week or two, she was obviously seeking safety in numbers.

Edited at October 30, 2021 09:28 AM by iArema
The Bachelors Competition | RP Thread | OPEN October 30, 2021 10:01 AM

Lunar Eclipse
Posts: 1152
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Laufey | The Duo | “The Trickster” | M: Aztec

Laufey watched Aztec’s approach with a hint of curiosity, though he knew almost immediately that it was another of her tricks. He almost laughed, deciding to play along for the sake of it. He waited til she was close, meeting her gaze and faking interest. The moment the distance was closed he pinned his ears back, lifting his head high and stomping one of his back hooves. “Bold of you to assume I’d fall for another of your tricks.” He spoke coyly, stepping back from the mare. With a shriek he reared up, bringing his hooves down with a thud mere inches before the mare’s face. His head shook back and forth, body coiling in preparation of a lunge should she retaliate.

He appreciated her attempt at a trick, knowing plenty of stallions would fall for it. Yet he wasn’t quite so eager to take just any chance that presented itself, prepared to hold his own throughout the night should it come to it. He did hope it wouldn’t come to that, uncertain whether the herd was actually worth the effort of waiting that long.

The Bachelors Competition | RP Thread | OPEN October 30, 2021 01:46 PM

Prismatic Cove
Posts: 3231
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Aztec | Herd Mare | "Undefeated" | Mentions: Laufey.
Aztec jumped back, huffing but not scared. His hooves brought down in front of her face. She flicked her tail and nicked at him, a little twist in her head, she didn't attack, she just stared at him. Smart boy or Confident Coot. She walked closer again, nearing his face she bit him on the nose and flung a hoof up, connecting with his chest, enough to knock his breath away and hurt like hell but do no damage.
She catered back to her herd and held her head high. As she looked back, there wasn't even the slightest bit of worry as to whether he was okay or not. If he didn't back down, then he surely wouldn't be after she was finished.
Although she was tall and unpredictable she was harmless to most creatures, unless they didn't feel right.

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